
Homework from Lia

Got this from : http://lupwincess.blogspot.com/
Thx Lia :)
Let’s get it started!

It's harder than it looks!! Copy to your own note, erase my answers, enter yours, and tag to 10 people. Use the first letter of your name to answer each of the following questions. They have to be real, nothing made up! If the person before you had the same first initial, you must use different answers. You can not use any word twice and you can't use your name for the boy/ girl name question.

What is your name: Sherly
A four letter word: Soup? lol
A boy's name: Sean
A girl's name: Scarlet
An occupation: Student
A color: Sky blue
Something you wear: Shorts
A food: Steak
Something found in the bathroom: Soap
A place: Switzerland
A reason for being late: Sleeping?

Something you shout: SHIT! haha

A movie title: Shutter
Something you drink: SPRITE!
A musical group: Simple Plan
An animal: sea-hog
A street name: Sudirman
A tipe of car: SUV
A song title: Somewhere out there

Tagged: echa, mahenda, putri, monwin, vania, rea, yuki, mandy, stephany, grace


cwo gw liat cw gx bner brg om2,
ktanya ksian sm cw kya gtu:
msi muda ud ancur.
cw ky gtu milih jlnny sndiri. gx perlu dksianin.
jstru kbykn cw muda kya gtu dr kluarga baik2, kaya.
tp mreka ndiri yg mw jd gx bner gtu.
ksian tuh sm org miskin, yg mank gx bsa milih ap2!


maybe u think this blog is dead cuz there's no more new post.
but it will be updated again on September.
i have spent much time blogging n now i'm feeling bored of it.
I'm sure this boredom will be recovered soon
so keep visiting :)