
noportable.blogspot.com is dead

How disappointing! I used to download all games in my computer from there!
That is a really really amazing blog. But when I search it today, it's goneee.
Also the portablez.net site (which is belong to the same owner of noportable.blogspot.com --> profan).

So I'll recommend you another site for downloading portable games.
But still, profan's site is better. From this new recommended site, we can download only from hotFile (which is lame) while on profan's site there are many choices where to download from.
Here's the site --> click me !

4 komentar:

Unknown mengatakan...

www.portablegamez.com lumayan bagus
tapi ga sebagus noportable.blogspot...
merasa kehilangan juga nih...
padahal masih banyak game yang blm sempet didownload...
keep posting y...
klo ada yang bagus2 dishare yak...

Anonim mengatakan...

wah sayang sekali ya. padahal saya juga download game dari situs itu. Soalnya klau download lebih cepat dibandingkan yang lainnya. moga aja ada situs yang sama, kalau ada tolong e-mail ke jasestrange@ymail.com, saya tunggu.hehehehe

Anonim mengatakan...

What happened to that site?Profane was opening another site Portablaze.net.
But then suddenly both the sites are gone.Such a shame.

Sherly Septiani mengatakan...

I think there's a piracy problem :(